
Creative Workshop, Product Design, User Experience

Improved writing with structured stories and first-hand perspective.

Writing Interface

We worked with then-CEO of Medium, Ev Williams, through a design workshop focused on improving the current writing process. The most popular stories (according to our data) were notably from industry experts that were oftentimes sharing real experiences from an insiders’ perspective, without any formal writing experience. How could we encourage more of this amateur writing?

Much of our work centered around the idea that all stories follow common arcs that can be identified and used for grouping. Once we identified the writing stages and writing themes, it was a matter of communicating that to possible first-timers in a way that was guiding and not prescriptive. We had to find intuitive and easy-to-use ways to support writers by providing what was needed, as it was needed.

To combat the blank page – we introduced writing templates, helper tools, a notepad for ideas, and building blocks.

Story Flow

Story Flow

How Might We Drilldown

Affinity Mapping

Article Structure

Concept Ideation

Decision Tree

Decision Tree

Now what if we introduced larger units than single paragraphs or blocks; that set the baseline and help illustrate writing’s larger structure?

Multi-blocks that could add structure, whereby “beginnings” could help introduce topics, “middles” could elaborate on examples, and “ends” could synthesize information and offer takeaways.

So we analyzed a small sample of articles to best determine block design and usability. Particular emphasis was placed on high-performing articles from well-known writers to see their work at different structural levels, and find individual techniques and tactics.

Then we wrote for ourselves using the designed prototype, iterated on notations and reflections, and realized that the resulting articles were well-crafted enough for proof of concept. Final steps were to tighten up the overall composition and helper tools.

Code and Prose

Review mode with sidebar

Writing Blocks

Writing Blocks

Writing Exercise

Writing Exercise

Writing Examples

Writing Examples

Looking for a fresh start? Answer two questions about what you want to write about, to begin with the most ideal blocks for your writing experience. (Yes, it is editable.)

Not sure what to write in a block? Each of the blocks come with a number of related examples and writing prompts from notable writers to get your wordsmith juices flowing again.

What's a desk without a notebook? The sidebar acts as a place to write down thoughts and ideas related to your article, add links, import images, and receive feedback. And this companion can be hidden and shown, and also keeps track of your writing achievements.

Truly a writer's best friend.

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