Ozone Pro
User Experience, Design System, Digital Brand
A cloud-powered professional video editor, available in the browser.
Advances in cloud computing continue to create space for software to improve in efficiency and availability for a broader audience. This is especially true for video content, with typically the largest file sizes and required storage space. Ozone steps in to offer content creators, from casual to professional, an easy-to-use interface that balances expected processes with new ideas for organization and collaboration.
Introducing the world’s first lag free and collaborative video editor in the cloud – where you can upload, render, and edit 60 fps 8k video footage from a cafe on your laptop, 10 times faster than existing software.
Edit video in an easier, faster, and more collaborative way than ever before.
Brand Stylescapes
The challenge was to create an instant and intuitive cloud-powered video editor, with collaborative features. So we developed a brand story and core user experience that places the customer at the center.
Component Library
Project Canvas
Underneath it all, the tech consists of sophisticated front-end rendering controls to allow for simultaneous multi-user editing with zero-latency, seamlessly integrated with a backend video processing pipeline in the cloud. Ozone uses novel compression algorithms to provide zero latency when uploading, rendering, adding VFX, and exporting videos – and have fully integrated collaboration capabilities such as decentralized cloud storage and version control.
Website Hero
Landing Page
Media Browser
We employed a great deal of design by reduction, working to remove any unnecessary details or functionality – along with a keen sense to keep the experience smooth and interesting.
The result is a completely customized visual language, focused on the content and differentiating product features.
© All rights reserved • All biters served
Kickin' up dust since the 80's